Lindiwe is dedicated to her craft
Roof bolter operator, Lindiwe Mnchunu
During a typical workday Lindiwe Mnchunu, a roof bolter operator, navigates through the dimly lit shaft, a headlamp illuminating the way. She manoeuvres into position, carefully aligning her equipment so she can drill holes and install metal bolts deep into the roof to keep it firmly secured.
Roof bolter operators play a vital role in protecting people from hazards such as falling debris and cave-ins. Their meticulous work contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of mining operations. Lindiwe who was trained as a roof bolter operator almost a decade ago is stationed at Kangra’s Uthingo (formerly Balgarthen) Shaft. She is motivated by a passion for her craft. A significant part of her work is ensuring safety. “I secure the area so the roof does not collapse. It also means that I get to wake up every morning to work for my kids. I am proud of that,” she says.
Lindiwe started working at Kangra in 2014 and was retrenched due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. In 2021 she reapplied and was able to rejoin the team. Before that she worked underground as a general worker at another mine from 2009 where she also received training as a roof bolter operator. Prior to joining the mining industry Lindiwe worked at a local factory, a filling station and volunteered at the community clinic. Lindiwe passionately advocates for women to explore opportunities in the mining industry. "I would encourage women to go into mining. There is life here, and you can earn a living,” she says.