Xolani finds fulfilment in nurturing young talent

Balgarthen shift boss, Xolani Mhlophe                                                    

With more than 20 years of mining experience, shift boss Xolani Mhlophe has had the opportunity to mentor young people who went on to become leaders. “I have mentored a lot of people; some are miners, and others are already mine overseers; they have progressed beyond me. I am very proud of them,” he says.

Xolani joined Kangra as a general worker, mostly assisting with bricklaying for a wall construction in 2003. He was offered a mining learnership within a few months and obtained his mine overseers ticket about two years later. “I was very fortunate,” he affirms.

As the shift boss leading two shifts, each with 11 people, Xolani’s responsibilities include secondary underground inspections as well as plotting and planning. His leadership style is a combination of frank talk, compassion, and assertiveness. “My leadership style is to lead from the front and I believe that you should give people a chance to correct their mistakes,” says Xolani.

After years of helping young miners find their feet, Xolani now looks forward obtaining his mine overseers certificate, something he has always wanted to achieve. He started with the process last year and is awaiting confirmation to write the examination. 

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